The Most Effective, Under-Utilized Remedies for Addressing Chronic Lyme

The Most Effective, Under-Utilized Remedies for Addressing Chronic Lyme

So far in this series, we’ve covered: Important New Findings on Lyme Disease, Where Lyme Disease Really Comes From and How to Recognize its Symptoms, and Why Most Lyme Disease Tests Fail Patients (and what to do instead).

Now it’s time to get into the good stuff:

How to free yourself from Lyme and Chronic Lyme disease with the most effective natural remedies.

If you’re just joining us in this series, I’d highly recommend checking out the previous posts listed above.

For those who have been following along, or if you already consider yourself pretty Lyme-savvy then let’s get into it!

Herbs, antibiotics, nutrition, homeopathy, detoxification, energy healing—what’s the best approach for Lyme and Chronic Lyme?

This is the ultimate question, isn’t it?

With Lyme being known as “the great mimicker” and causing so many strange symptoms and co-infections, this disease must be approached from several different angles to ensure success.

This does not mean the path to healing is always easy.

I wish I could say it were. But I know from personal and professional experience that it can take some time, patience, and perseverance.

But healing is absolutely possible.

Repeat after me: no matter how long you’ve been plagued by these symptoms, it is possible to outsmart Lyme disease and go on to live a happy, healthy, disease-free life.

Beyond Borrelia: why an integrative, multi-faceted approach is critical to addressing Lyme and Chronic Lyme

Here’s a little-known fact: Lyme disease is not caused by just one type of bacteria.

If it were, it would be pretty darn easy to cure either with antibiotics or anti-bacterial herbs.

The problem is, many allopathic and integrative practitioners today still believe Lyme is predominantly caused by Borrelia bacteria—which is what conventional testing screens for.

However, as I learned at a recent Lyme conference, one group’s research on 100 subjects with Lyme disease showed only 15% were infected by just Borrelia, while 85% had multiple bacterial and/or viral infections.

Some of these pathogens include:

  • Anaplasma
  • Babesia
  • Bartonella
  • Bourbon virus
  • Ehrilichia
  • Heartland virus
  • Powhassan virus
  • Rickettsia
  • and many more.

Understanding this is critical to developing a successful remedy strategy, as the other infections could be producing the worst symptoms.

In other words, one type of anti-bacterial herb or antibiotic—no matter how powerful they are—just won’t cut it!

Homeopathy, herbs, and nutrition—
the ultimate combo for beating Lyme and Chronic Lyme:

There are many treatment approaches available for Lyme Disease.

As I made clear in previous posts, I do not believe conventional antibiotic treatment is adequate these days.

Antibiotics are viewed by Lyme as a threat, thus causing Lyme bacteria to morph and build up biofilm shields which evade the immune system, such that the condition becomes chronic.

Natural treatment can be very effective, so long as it’s approached from multiple angles.

For example, a very common treatment is the “Buhner Protocol”—a combination of anti-bacterial, anti-viral, immune-boosting herbs.

However, I have found a combination of herbs, nutrients, and HOMEOPATHY make all the difference in the world to ensuring a safe, effective, and quicker recovery.

This combination of gentle, natural therapies work together to outsmart clever Lyme bacteria, while addressing common co-infections and viruses.

They also break down biofilms which act as smoke screens to keep Lyme hidden from the immune system for years.

Make no mistake, this multi-layered disease is one of the most difficult to coax out of the body, but this combination of remedies does the trick every time.

Here’s how it works in 3 simple phases:

Phase 1: Prepare the body to make Lyme detox easier

In this first stage, your BioEnergetic Assessment would reveal what types of bacteria and pathogens are causing issues, and how they’re impacting your organs and detox pathways (your liver, lymphatic system, gall bladder, kidneys, intestinal tract and methylation pathways).

If it looks like those pathways are weak or a bit blocked, we’d use specific herbs and nutritional recommendations to get those systems flowing smoothly.

This step doesn’t usually take long, but it is necessary to create an “open door” for safe and efficient elimination of Lyme pathogens.

Phase 2: Detoxify using homeopathic nosodes, specific herbals and nutrient Support

Once your body’s detox pathways are ready, we begin detox using a series of homeopathic nosode detoxifiers, specific herbal remedies, and nutrients.

  • The nosodes alert the body to the presence of the Lyme pathogens so they can be expelled.
  • The herbs break down their biofilm shields while strengthening your immune system.
  • And the nutrients help protect your organs and systems by binding to the toxins released during the detox process.

Here’s how this works:

Nosodes are highly diluted noxious substances that illicit the body’s natural immune response.

In the case of Lyme nosodes, we’re actually introducing an extremely diluted form of the different Lyme pathogens to alert the body to its presence. There is no actual material pathogen left in the dilution, but it contains the frequency or signal of the pathogens and it directs the immune system to target those frequencies

Remember, Lyme is infamous for morphing and hiding behind biofilms to evade antibiotics, herbal remedies and even your body’s own immune system.

So, the homeopathic nosodes essentially alert the body to its presence so your immune system can wake up and go after the specific pathogens and co-infections.

A key reason homeopathy works so darn well for this, is the Lyme pathogens do not view it as a threat, and thus do not try new morphing tactics to further evade expulsion.

Think of nosodes as a Trojan Horse in the evil Kingdom of Lyme.

The specific herbs, which may include lemon balm, sarsaparilla and cat’s claw for example, work in-conjunction with the homeopathics to break up those biofilms which hide the Lyme.

Think of the herbs as the “tough guys” who break up the gunk, and the homeopathics as the assassin-allies who help your immune system go in for the kill.

The nutritional products contain ingredients such as fulvic acid, probiotics, glandulars, and activated charcoal which mop up the released toxins while protecting your organs and systems from any damage.

The nutritionals can also be used to help with the symptoms of Lyme detox, such as melatonin for insomnia or methylcobalamin for fatigue.

Over the years, I’ve tried many different types of detoxification protocols and found this combination of natural remedies to be most effective.

Phase 3: Repair and Maintenance

A follow-up BioEnergetic assessment, along with resolution of symptoms, and your own feeling of health will determine when the detox phase is complete.

At this point, you may need some extra support, such as CoQ10 or glutathione, to repair any cell or methylation damage caused by the Lyme.

But very often, patients are ready to jump into a healthy maintenance phase.

Healthy maintenance regimes vary a bit for everyone, but essentially include keeping up with a healthy diet, exercise program, sleep schedule, good hydration, and stress management to keep your immune system strong and prevent future infections.

In conclusion, while this three-phase approach makes up the foundation of my Lyme strategy, each person’s expression and experience with Lyme is unique.

Thus, I do tailor each detoxification program to suit the individual.

If you’re interested in learning more, click here to set up a consult.

And I’ll be back next week with the final article in this series, which will focus on the mental and emotional health aspects of Chronic Lyme.

Until then,

-Dr. Joy

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