Success Stories

Success Stories

A healthy level of skepticism and thorough vetting process is essential in choosing the right healthcare provider.
Dr. Joy has helped thousands of patients resolve their most puzzling health issues—from Lyme Disease to infertility and children’s sensory issues. But don’t take our word for it, read about their experiences below.

Dr Joy Success Stories
“You (Dr. Joy) saved me from certain surgery which would have caused my learning to walk again….”

Your talents are beyond compare. You saved me from certain surgery which would have caused my learning to walk again and absorb radiation. It's been about 7 years since I cancelled the surgery and doing well. New therapies will uncover information that your PCP will never see until it's to late. I completely trust Dr. Joy in helping me direct my needs as I age. Thank you

~ D.H.

"Dr. Joy diligently and caringly found the missing pieces to my vitality"

Dr. Joy exemplifies her name in so many ways. When a hopeless, long term women’s health issue seemed impossible to solve with diet and exercise alone, Dr. Joy diligently and caringly found the missing pieces to my vitality. After 6 years of not having a single menstrual cycle, Dr. Joy brought homeopathy into play to detoxify and build up my digestive and reproductive health. After only 8 months, a healthy cycle returned, and I became pregnant. No surgeries, only natural intervention. A huge prayer was answered in a big way – as my husband and I were expecting twins! (Yes, naturally!). If that is not hope and joy, I don’t know what is! My family is ever so grateful that we found Dr. Joy; and we hope many others do too.
~ Diane E.

“I'm in the home stretch with only a few symptoms left of Lyme disease and a coinfection. I thoroughly believe that she will be right there to help me cross that finish line to being symptom-free.”

I was referred to Dr. Joy because my symptoms from Lyme that although getting better, there are a few that just won't quit. I have seen other doctors that did not believe me when I told them that I had coinfections of Lyme disease. Dr. Joy took her time with me and she confirmed my beliefs. She listens! I love the fact that she breaks everything down to you, she is available to answer questions without an appointment and does not believe in overloading the system with way too many supplements, homeopathic and herbal tinctures and what have you. She is about addressing the whole body and not just the symptom and eventually helping that person getting back to Optimal Wellness. I'm in the home stretch with only a few symptoms left of Lyme disease and a coinfection. I thoroughly believe that she will be right there to help me cross that finish line to being symptom-free. She thinks out the box and if she does not have the answer she will find it for you. I truly appreciate her and her practice.

~ Serena

“I saw joy 3 times and over the course of 3 months, by following her guidelines and taking the recommended homeopathics and my psoriasis disappeared completely.“

I went to wellspring whole health a few years ago when I suddenly got guttate psoriasis. After numerous trips to the dermatologist, numerous pieces of advice and then the push towards going on medication I decided to try another avenue. The dermatologist told me I would always have it but I could keep it at bay with weekly injections that were entirely out of my price range. I saw joy 3 times and over the course of 3 months, by following her guidelines and taking the recommended homeopathics and my psoriasis disappeared completely. It's been over 3 years and no reoccurrence whatsoever. I'm so happy I took a chance on wellspring because it saved my pocketbook, time and self-esteem. I'm truly in debt to joy and everything she did to help me with something regular doctors told me I'd be battling for the rest of my life. Highly recommend!

~ Colleen

“She has helped us to naturally remedy a variety of health concerns, including fertility…”

Our family has been seeing Dr. Joy for over a year now. She has helped us to naturally remedy a variety of health concerns, including infertility. Dr. Joy was able to correct the imbalances in my body using all using natural methods including supplements. We now have a beautiful 2 month old daughter. Thank you Dr. Joy and staff for being so compassionate and helpful to our family.

~ JY

Working with Dr. Joy was the right choice for my migraines.

I went to see Dr. Joy after years of struggling with increasingly intense migraines. I had been seeing a neurologist and had prescription medication for them, but they continued to intensify in frequency and intensity. I decided to seek out a consultation with a Naturopath to see if there was anything else that might be able to help. Dr. Joy approached my case from a different perspective and worked with me to make some changes that ultimately led to a significant reduction in my migraines. They no longer occurred as often, and when I did get a headache, it was no longer a true migraine. They were much reduced in intensity, and they went away much more easily and quickly when they did occur. Working with Dr. Joy was the right choice for my migraines.

“I then contacted Dr. Joy and within three days of receiving the remedies, my shingles symptoms started going away.“

I went to my primary physician & was diagnosed with shingles. Dr. said I was too late for getting anti viral protocol. He said some of his patients have the virus for two years or longer. After six weeks of discomfort, pain, and itching, I returned to Dr. & asked if there was anything to alleviate the suffering. His answer was "whatever works for you" He was talking about over the counter pain pills and creams. Duh! I then contacted Dr. Joy and within three days of receiving the remedies, my shingles symptoms started going away. I am 74, no prescriptions, believer of eating healthy whole foods, exercising, and taking natural supplements, as needed. Again I thank Dr. Joy for her kindness and knowledge.

~ M. Thomas

“My son ended up feeling significantly better, and could continue to grow and thrive, thanks to them.”

I was so pleased to find Wellspring Whole Health when my eldest son began showing symptoms of some various issues with his gut, as well as anxiety. I knew that he needed help, but was at a loss to determine the best path for him. I wanted very much to keep his treatment as holistic as possible, and was so happy with the care he received from the entire team at Wellspring. Over the course of about 2 years, the team helped him to detox and to heal. My son ended up feeling significantly better, and could continue to grow and thrive, thanks to them. I loved the level of personal care he received, and the large information base with which he was treated. I would absolutely recommend Wellspring to anybody looking for thorough, knowledgeable holistic health care. I will absolutely bring my family to them as needed.

~ Becky A.

“I would recommend this practice to anyone who is not satisfied with other medical reports and has questions about their standard treatments.”

I was at a low point with my health concerns and just decided to try something different. I even would say I enjoyed my visits and felt listened to. As a busy mom, I don't feel that I had ever made such an effort on my behalf! I changed a lot of routine that was not in my best interest. I'm in much better overall health and this treatment was a great start for me. I would recommend this practice to anyone who is not satisfied with other medical reports and has questions about their standard treatments.

~ K.F.

“Dr. Joy saw me and detected Lyme Disease and not long after treatment began my symptoms resolved!”

“After a period of significant stress, I developed excruciating pressure in my head, feeling of faintness, increased ringing in my ears and general weakness and fatigue. Family history of aneurysm prompted me to go to the ER. 3 hours later, I was not getting anywhere there. Dr Joy saw me and through BioEnergetic Assessment detected Lyme Disease and not long after treatment began my symptoms resolved!”

~ JM

“Through BioEnergetic Assessment Dr. Joy detected the presence of Lyme Disease…”

“I came to Dr. Joy because I was having sudden onset intense anxiety after taking a high-dose homeopathic remedy prescribed by my homeopath. Through Bioenergetic Assessment Dr. Joy detected the presence of Lyme Disease (and yes, although I had forgotten to tell her, I had been bitten by a tick 2 years prior and had taken antibiotics). I am so grateful for her treatment, which eliminated the Lyme and my anxiety, and improved my overall health on many levels.”

~ AP

“I specifically met with Dr. Joy to see if she could help me avoid an allergic reaction to the new puppy we were going to be adding to our family.”

I sought out Naturopathy as a means to encourage the health of me and my family from the inside, rather than shutting down processes, as is the case in the traditional medical model. I specifically met with Dr. Joy to see if she could help me avoid an allergic reaction to the new puppy we were going to be adding to our family. I had always had severe dog allergies including bronchial asthma and severe eye irritation, so was nervous about adopting a puppy, even though he is of the hypoallergenic breed. After consultation and assessment with Dr. Joy, she came up with a protocol for me. I followed the protocol for the month before bringing the puppy home and have never looked back. I have been breathing deeply, seeing clearly and thoroughly enjoying life with our two year old dog, Mo. The realization that I can have dogs in my life has been a game changer for me. I never knew how much love I had to share with a dog, nor the amount of love I would receive. I will never look back.

~ Dr. L. Wynn

“I feel so much better and my body is responding to the healing. Most of my symptoms have disappeared and I’m feeling better everyday.”

I had considered seeking the services of a Naturopath a couple of years ago as I began to feel less and less like I was receiving the care that I desired at a traditional medical doctor’s office. When I went to see my doctor, it was a long wait with a 15 minute appt and then I was either told nothing was wrong or given a prescription. I felt there must be a better way and I started doing some research. I found Wellspring Whole Health by doing a google search online and liked what I read on the website. Dr. Joy’s goals seemed to consistent with what I was looking for, which was listening to your body and finding natural ways to heal. I had been on a healing journey mentally for a few years and now it was time to focus on the physical part, since I was not feeling well. My first appointment with Dr. Joy was amazing! She took over an hour to just talk with me, getting my history and my listening to my symptoms. I really liked that she used biofeedback to see what my body was telling me. I have been seeing her for over a year now. It is not a quick process to heal my body from years of ignoring it’s warning signs, but we keep peeling back the layers and healing arises. I have spent some time recently healing Candida. I feel so much better and my body is responding to the healing. Most of my symptoms have disappeared and I’m feeling better every day. Dr. Joy really cares about each patient’s health and takes the time at every appointment and even in between to do all she can to aid in my healing. Both of my daughters also see her now and we recommend Dr. Joy to everyone! If you are looking to find healing in big ways and even small ways by letting your body tell you what it needs and then using all natural products, a healthy diet and lifestyle and whole life healing, I highly recommend Dr. Joy!! Thank you!

~ Beth L.

It is wonderful working with Dr. Joy. She's really helped me with my stomach issues and I'm feeling much better. I would recommend Dr. Joy.

~ F.C.

“I feel safe in Joy's hands and I know the companies she uses to supply her remedies and supplements are top notch.”

I am grateful to Dr. Joy for all the time she takes, for her personal touch, for her knowledge and the way she continues to grow within her field, often sharing new therapies or understandings. And I am so much happier knowing that what I am putting in my body to correct a wrong, heal an illness, boost my system is only helping me, not harming me due to the natural ingredients. There's a lot of information out there and one might be tempted to try to solve issues without a professional, but just because a product is natural that does not mean it does not have real effects. I feel safe in Joy's hands and I know the companies she uses to supply her remedies and supplements are top notch. At times, a traditional therapy or medication might be used, but even then, Joy can help your body process the chemicals better with supplements that can often alleviate side effects. One of my grandsons does not handle vaccines well. Now, prior to getting one and right after, my daughter gives him some supplements that help his little body through the side effects. I now take antibiotics that are natural when I have the occasional need knowing that what I am taking is not causing other forms of harm and works just as well as traditional medications. Dr. Joy has a positive, upbeat outlook and attitude and it's a true pleasure to check in with her unlike a visit to the PCP! I am a convert!

~ L. Walker

“I was able to get rid of the background noise and focus on the root problems. Now I am in the best shape of my life, and the healthiest.”

A visit to Wellspring Whole Health changed my life in May 2012.  I suffered from terrible allergies all my life and sneezed frequently, which drove my husband up a wall. He found a Groupon for what he thought was allergy testing at Wellspring Whole Health and suggested I do it. For some reason, he decided he was going to do it as well, though has never really had significant allergies. In the meantime, I also scheduled an appointment with an allergy/immunologist, but wasn't able to be seen until July. So, I walk in first for my "allergy testing", ahead of my husband.  I sit down and get connected to this copper tube and a sensor that is hooked up to a MacBook and wonder what in the world I have gotten myself into. I go through the hour-long process though and end up with a page and a half print-out of all the things I am supposedly sensitive to.  We ended up talking about all the other inflammatory issues I have besides allergies like my rosacea and IBS and arthritis and hypothyroidism and headaches and chronic fatigue with brain fog, etc. My husband comes in, took it relatively better than I thought and got a half page print out of his sensitivities, which made sense because his list of health complaints was also much shorter.  It was clear this wasn't a one size fits all kind of thing.  Even though I was still trying to figure out how the copper tube told the MacBook that I shouldn't eat lettuce, even though everyone is supposed to eat more leafy greens, right?? I went home and purged the cupboards, educated myself on the paleo diet and gave 100% effort for 3 months--no dairy, no alcohol, no gluten, no lettuce, no nightshades, just to name a few.  (I also eliminated all preservatives from my food as well as health and beauty products and actually started making my own toothpaste, deodorant and laundry detergent.) It took me less than 3 days to feel the absolute best I had ever felt in my life!  The way I felt made it easy to stick to my "diet" which I continue to call my lifestyle change, 5 years later. I was diagnosed with asthma at age 4 and needed to use an inhaler twice a day everyday, but would still wheeze and have asthma attacks--I haven't used a daily inhaler since a week following my visit. I used to use 3-4 different creams everyday for assorted skin problems--I haven't used a single product since that summer and my skin is glowing. The progression of my arthritis has stopped and I stopped all pain medications since the week I left the office--I haven't seen the surgeon for 3 years. My IBS is non-existent, allergies barely an issue and I have more energy than I know what to do with.  I was depressed because of all the pain I had so my mood brightened and I was able to start living as me again. I still went to my previously scheduled allergy visit and shared my story with the doctor who basically laughed in my face.  He insisted on doing skin testing for all of the things I told him I learned I was sensitive to, and of course did not react.  It is so disheartening to know there are so many in the medical community just like him.  As a nurse practitioner, I have tried to incorporate a much more holistic philosophy into my practice. I have since been diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease that attacks the connective tissues, and I still have a hypoactive thyroid, but I am now able to manage these things.  Before, I had so much inflammation that I didn't know which end was up. Now, it's like I was able to get rid of all the background noise, and focus on what the root problems are.  I eat well, sleep well, work out 5 days a week, get monthly massages, stretch everyday and drink tons of water.  I stick to my lifestyle change "diet" about 90% of the time and have learned what I can tolerate and what things aren't worth it. I am in the best shape of my life, and the healthiest. In 2011 my husband wouldn't let me do a mud run with him because I would "slow him down, get hurt and possibly die."  This month I participated in Mud on the Mountain at 7Springs--ran/walked 7 miles up and down the ski slopes and completed every single one of the 30 obstacles on the course, which is more than I can say for my running mates. It was one of the greatest personal successes of my life for so many reasons and I give 99% of the credit to Wellspring Whole Health.  I truly don't know where I would be in life without them.

~ A.C.

“I wanted a doctor I could trust with my complex history, and who would respect my commitment to live drug-free. Wellspring Whole Health proved to be the right choice for me.”

A few years into my recovery from prescription drug toxicity, I was ready to take my health back. I wanted a doctor I could trust with my complex history, and who would respect my commitment to live drug-free. Wellspring Whole Health proved to be the right choice for me. Dr. Joy is a smart, kind, and open minded professional—a healer. I've learned so much about my body's systems through BioEnergetic assessments - how I'm stressed, how I'm sluggish. And through BioEnergetics, I'm assured that I'm only taking the supplements my body needs. Working with Dr. Joy, I've found long lasting recovery from adrenal fatigue. Her references to complementary practitioners are also invaluable.  Through Wellspring Whole Health, I feel in control of my health, and my health care. I recommend Dr. Joy wholeheartedly!

~ E.M.

“Thanks to her (Dr. Joy’s) compassionate care I was able to have my quality of life back.”

I started seeing Dr. Joy a few years ago after many specialists and many tests. I was not getting any help or answers for my unexplained GI symptoms. Dr. Joy was recommended to me. I was very skeptical of alternative medical practices, but was desperate to feel better. After 6 weeks I felt completely different. Thanks to her compassionate care I was able to have my quality of life back. I am forever grateful and would highly recommend her.

~ D.H.

“If you are having health or any sort of issues, do yourself—and the World—the biggest favor you possibly can and schedule an appointment with Dr. Joy.”

Making my first appointment with Dr. Joy was the smartest thing I have ever done to begin my first true healing and balancing journey in my life. I am 36 years old, and had struggled with severe "IBS" my entire life, and had a really intense episode for 2 months straight and knew I had to seek help to understand how to bring myself to balance and be able to enjoy life, really and truly for the first time ever. She makes you feel as if you have known her for years right from the start, and puts you at ease as a good friend; she has uncanny intuition that is rarely seen in today's conditioned Western society, not just in the medical field, but as a human in general. About one day later after starting her regime of homeopathic drops and probiotics, I felt better than I ever have in my life, and in synergy with my practices I had begun, I continued to rise to a place of love and light I have never known, a place I had only dreamed of and attempted to fathom. One month later at my first follow up, I blew away the numbers on the bio-energetic test to a near "perfect"...or "balanced" score, if you will, we were both speechless, but I had already knew before I walked in that day that would be the outcome, as I am so in touch with energy now, inside and outside myself....I became a new person on all levels and knew it smiling ear to ear the whole way. I truly believe I have changed my very own genetic expression, and she was integral in that. I am no longer in fear of anything - anything. I could not recommend her more, if you are having health or any sort of issues please please please do yourself - and the World - the biggest favor you possibly can and schedule an appointment with Dr. Joy.

~ Jon B.

“Through Dr. Joy’s knowledge and persistence, she had my son back on the right track within 9 months…and has kicked my husband’s tobacco habit.”

Dr. Joy and her staff are ABSOLUTELY the most knowledgeable, caring, understanding and experienced people I know. I was introduced to Dr. Joy by my brother several years ago. We were just starting down the organic path with foods and holistic medicines and my mission was to help my son that had chronic congestion and stomachaches. Through Dr. Joy’s knowledge and persistence she had my son back on the right track within 9 months. To this day he is a healthy 4 1/2 year old that has not seen an antibiotic since the age of 15 months. After experiencing the results with my son, I then turned to Dr. Joy for an evaluation of my daughter. Not knowing of any underlining issues she may have had, Dr. Joy found imbalances that would have caused health issues down the road. What I have learned is good health starts in the gut. Today my daughter is a healthy 7 1/2 year old. Last but not least I had myself and my husband evaluated; myself for overall health and my husband for heart disease which runs in his family. He was also a tobacco user for 20+ years. Dr. Joy has not only put his body back in harmony but she has kicked his tobacco habit. I am so blessed to have been introduced to Dr. Joy. Thank you Wellspring Whole Health from the bottom of my heart.

~ JF

“My anxiety began to calm down, my energy level went up, my joint pain decreased, and I lost weight, too!”

I sought out a naturopath a couple of years ago when I knew that the medications my doctors were prescribing for Crohn's disease were effectively taming the symptoms, but causing numerous other problems. Anxiety, fatigue, and joint pain began while I was on steroids and continued long after I stopped taking them, until I decided to see Dr. Joy. She told me we could work towards getting off my medications with diet and supplements. After a few days of changes, I began to feel better. My anxiety began to calm down, my energy level went up, my joint pain decreased, and I lost weight, too! And most of all, I learned about my body and how to treat things naturally instead of stacking medication on top of medication. It's so freeing to know what my body really needs and what causes toxic load and adrenal fatigue. No one had ever told me that before and I'm so grateful that I asked Dr. Joy for help. Thanks for everything!

~ Erin S.

“Our discussion helped put all the puzzle pieces together. I feel so much better already and know that I will heal.”

Having a chance to talk with Dr. Joy and share ideas, insights and “aha” moments in such an accepting and open way means so much and is always so helpful! Today our discussion helped put all the puzzle pieces together! I feel so much better already and know that I will heal!

~ LW

“I started seeing Dr. Joy last June and I feel like myself again. My gerd has pretty much has disappeared, my anxiety is less and have much more energy thanks to all her help.”

Dr. joy is wonderful! I sought her help after I was suffering severe fatigue, thyroid issues, anxiety, hair loss and GERD issues amongst other issues. I started seeing Dr. Joy last June and I feel like myself again. Dr. Joy gave me detoxes that helped immediately with my stomach issues. My gerd has pretty much has disappeared, my anxiety is less and have much more energy thanks to all her help. My hair also falls out less. Dr. Joy has also addressed some vitamin deficiencies as well which has helped my mood and energy. Dr. Joy is caring and listens to all your health concerns—unlike going to her PCP as they sometimes brush it off. I highly recommend her and feel she saved my life. I feel myself again. After working with Dr. Joy, I feel I have the tools to stay healthy. I feel I am more in tune with my body and know more what I need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

~ Lisa

“If you want to take your health to the next level, you need Dr. Joy!”

I have been on a journey of healing of mind, body, and spirit for several years now and found Dr. Joy. She is brilliant, compassionate, intuitive and truly cares about her patients. Working with a good naturopathic doctor is as important as a regular doctor. Dr. Joy is able to bring the body into balance with her bioenergetic testing and her top of the line homeopathic remedies, herbs and supplements. If you want to take your health to the next level, you need Dr. Joy!

~ SZ

“I feel like I have my son back again…”

I have been bringing my 10-year-old son to Wellspring Whole Health for about a year and a half. When we first started, he was having significant problems with anxiety and a number of physical ailments and sensory issues. I was a mess, trying to figure out how to help him and to boost his body’s natural healing without giving him medications or treatments that could cause harm in other ways, if they helped at all. After testing, we found a number of areas where his body was having difficulties and after following the suggested plans, he has been healing and getting healthier with each passing day. His gut is almost completely healed, he has many fewer sensitivities and toxicities attacking his system, and he is so much happier. I feel like I have my son back again, and his overall anxiety, while still here, is much decreased, as are the sensory issues. Choosing to bring my son to Wellspring Whole Health is one of the best decisions I have ever made for him and for our whole family.

~ RA

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